Blobby Volley League >> player details

Profile of blobbybuddha:

status: player
place:0 (newcomer / inactive)
points: 1039
season-place:0 (no matches yet)
Blub-place:0 (no matches yet)
Ratings:13 x fair, 0 x middle, 0 x unfair (Details)
activity: -1
posts: 0
member since:31.01.2006
last login:10.01.2009

other infos:
Im spiel nenne ich mich BLOBBYBUDDA, ohne h , hat nicht mehr hingepasst.

Spiele nur BV 2

played Blobby Volley matches: 18 (9W-1D-8L)
played blub matches: 0 (0W-0D-0L)


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Blobby Volley Liga