Blobby Volley League >> Score




Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: thomy
Time of the match: 25.07.2007 - 23:11

Round 1
thomy 15 : 3 Kustanaj

Round 2
thomy 15 : 3 Kustanaj

Complete result:
thomy 30 : 6 Kustanaj

thomy has won the match!

Expectation to win of thomy: 76 %
Expectation to win of Kustanaj: 24 %

thomy gets 12 points
New points of thomy: 1428
thomy is now on place 16

Kustanaj gets -12 points
New points of Kustanaj: 1201
Kustanaj is now on place 54

Expectation to win of thomy: 75 %
Expectation to win of Kustanaj: 25 %

thomy gets 12 season-points
New season points of thomy: 1172
thomy is now in season place 1

Kustanaj gets -12 season-points
New season points Kustanaj: 1075
Kustanaj is now on season place 19

Comment of Kustanaj: Guter Spieler. Wegen zu vieler Leggs konnte ich leider nicht 100% Leistung zeigen. Trotzdem hat Thomy verdient gewonnen. Glückwunsch!

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