Blobby Volley League >> Score




Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: Waynesworld
Time of the match: 02.01.2008 - 16:49

Round 1
Waynesworld 4 : 15 Truth136

Round 2
Waynesworld 5 : 15 Truth136

Complete result:
Waynesworld 9 : 30 Truth136

Truth136 has won the match!

Expectation to win of Waynesworld: 47 %
Expectation to win of Truth136: 53 %

Waynesworld gets -23 points
New points of Waynesworld: 1307
Waynesworld is now on place 35

Truth136 gets 23 points
New points of Truth136: 1376
Truth136 is now on place 25

The two oppoents are playing in different leagues.
The match hasn't been scored for the season ranking.

Comment of Waynesworld: starker Gegner zu stark für mich ^^ war am Anfang nervös daher direkt 0 zu 8 zurück allerdings war nix zu machen er war einfach das quentchen besser n1 gegner gerne wieder

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