Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: Marxn
Time of the match: 11.06.2008 - 16:12
Blobby-Volley-MatchResultRound 1
Marxn 15 : 10 BVBenni
Round 2
Marxn 11 : 15 BVBenni
Complete result:
26 : 25 BVBenni
Marxn has won the match!
ScoreExpectation to win of Marxn: 63 %
Expectation to win of BVBenni: 37 %
Marxn gets 19 points
New points of Marxn: 1429
Marxn is now on place 22
BVBenni gets -19 points
New points of BVBenni: 1302
BVBenni is now on place 49
Season-scoreExpectation to win of Marxn: 46 %
Expectation to win of BVBenni: 54 %
Marxn gets 27 season-points
New season points of Marxn: 1134
Marxn is now in season place 12
BVBenni gets -27 season-points
New season points BVBenni: 1091
BVBenni is now on season place 25
Comment of Marxn:
knappes ding auf jeden fall....hätte ich nicht gedachtComment of BVBenni:
klasse match!!! beide hatten ihren Satz!!! leider hatte er das quentchen glück um das match zu gewinnen! gg