Version: Blobby Volley 1
Challenger: JVR
Time of the match: 12.10.2006 - 21:44
Blobby-Volley-MatchResultRound 1
JVR 15 : 12 Broesmeli
Round 2
JVR 10 : 15 Broesmeli
Complete result:
25 : 27 Broesmeli
Broesmeli has won the match!
ScoreExpectation to win of JVR: 26 %
Expectation to win of Broesmeli: 74 %
JVR gets -13 points
New points of JVR: 997
JVR is now on place 98
Broesmeli gets 13 points
New points of Broesmeli: 1201
Broesmeli is now on place 8
Season-scoreExpectation to win of JVR: 43 %
Expectation to win of Broesmeli: 57 %
JVR gets -22 season-points
New season points of JVR: 957
JVR is now in season place 27
Broesmeli gets 22 season-points
New season points Broesmeli: 1047
Broesmeli is now on season place 5
Comment of JVR:
erste Satz dauerte zwar fast nen Tag!!! aber der Zweite war umso geiler