Challenger: D.N. Angel
Time of the match: 21.02.2009 - 11:43
Blub-MatchResultRound 1
D.N. Angel 12 : 16 Schulzi
Round 2
D.N. Angel 12 : 16 Schulzi
Complete result:
D.N. Angel
24 : 32 Schulzi
Schulzi has won the match!
ScoreExpectation to win of D.N. Angel: 10 %
Expectation to win of Schulzi: 90 %
D.N. Angel gets -5 points
New points of D.N. Angel: 1034
D.N. Angel is now on place 22
Schulzi gets 5 points
New points of Schulzi: 1417
Schulzi is now on place 3