Blobby Volley League >> Score



Timo Mütze

Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: simon1989
Time of the match: 19.06.2009 - 20:48

Round 1
simon1989 10 : 15 Timo Mütze

Round 2
simon1989 15 : 10 Timo Mütze

Complete result:
simon1989 25 : 25 Timo Mütze

The match is draw!

Expectation to win of simon1989: 50 %
Expectation to win of Timo Mütze: 50 %

simon1989 gets 0 points
New points of simon1989: 973
simon1989 is now on place 300

Timo Mütze gets 0 points
New points of Timo Mütze: 976
Timo Mütze is now on place 278

Expected result: 30:17

simon1989 gets -4 season-points
New season points of simon1989: 994
simon1989 is now in season place 100

Timo Mütze gets 4 season-points
New season points Timo Mütze: 970
Timo Mütze is now on season place 204

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Blobby Volley Liga