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Re: Turniere 2015



wann soll das ganze denn stattfinden? weiß man das schon? Wenn ein Termin feststeht kann ich gerne ne news schreiben.

achja und mitspielen tu ich auch. kannst mich eintragen

This post has been edited on 02.03.2015 at 18:23:14 for the last time.
Re: Turniere 2015

Dr. B3st

Wird ein gutes Training für mich für die kommende Lan. Wobei ich glaube, dass ich da auch ohne Training rocken werde :). Bin ja mal gespannt, wie ich mich nach der Abstinenz schlagen werde.

Re: Turniere 2015


Ich freue mich, dass sich schon 8 Spieler gefunden haben.
Ich dachte zu den gestellten Fragen gebe es ein bisschen mehr Resonanz. Da das bis jetzt kaum der Fall ist, lege ich jetzt einfach den 10. März als Anmeldefrist fest. Das Turnier findet dann von da an bis zum 24. März statt.
Zu den anderen Sachen kann gerne noch diskutiert werden. Ansonsten mache ich dann irgendwann vor dem 10. März klare Ansagen.

Re: Turniere 2015


I think that the system of a cup(and for the finals I offer it too) must be there:
one point for every winning round and additional one point for a winning whole match. For example
player1- player2 15-5 15-10 scored as 2-0, 15-10 11-15 scored as 2-1. If score is equal no additional points added to both players) In the end of a turnier at first counted a points. If 2 or more players have the same amount of point at the second must be counted the score of matches among those players.
For a period of a turnier, I think it must be as soon as posible.For this time it seems to start 8.03.15 and if somebody want to take part in it he must to submit the application untill 15.03.2015 or untill the turnier ended.
And I offer to spend such turnier in every season(I think it must be obligatore for the players who want to play in
the final and won the medals for a perspective it may be change the currrent season ranking )

This post has been edited on 03.03.2015 at 13:15:23 for the last time.
Re: Turniere 2015


Ok tomorrow here is an english translation so good as i can

Re: Turniere 2015



Re: Turniere 2015


Dann sind wir schon 10 ;)))

Re: Turniere 2015


Zitat von Saver:
I think that the system of a cup(and for the finals I offer it too) must be there:
one point for every winning round and additional one point for a winning whole match. For example
player1- player2 15-5 15-10 scored as 2-0, 15-10 11-15 scored as 2-1. If score is equal no additional points added to both players) In the end of a turnier at first counted a points. If 2 or more players have the same amount of point at the second must be counted the score of matches among those players.
For a period of a turnier, I think it must be as soon as posible.For this time it seems to start 8.03.15 and if somebody want to take part in it he must to submit the application untill 15.03.2015 or untill the turnier ended.
And I offer to spend such turnier in every season(I think it must be obligatore for the players who want to play in
the final and won the medals for a perspective it may be change the currrent season ranking )

I like this System. I call it: "Saverstyle":D.
Should it be System a2) or replace the old a)-System??
For next tournament we can discuss new which Systems we choose. For the first I would all.
Thanks for the post and the offer!

This post has been edited on 04.03.2015 at 17:10:47 for the last time.
Re: Turniere 2015


All relevant informations in english (so good as I can):
If questions or problems, etc. always ask me!

Everybody plays vs. everybody a normal BlobbyVolley2-Match.
All players send me per message the results per Message.
There are 3 (or 4) Systems:

a1) win: 3 (or 2?) points, drawn: 1 point, lose: 1 point

a2) look at Savers Post-I like it very much

b) all points from Match count. (f.e.: 30:3 winner gets 30, looser gets 3)
(not so important: If there is a carry in a round it is count as 15:13 (f.e. 17:15 -> 15:13))

c) the difference of points count (f.e.: 30:3 winner gets 27, looser gets -27)

Questions to discuss:
System a) win: 2 or 3 points? (I think it will be 3)
Are the tournamants leagematches, too? I don't think so. Thoose, who want it have it to say for the match and if the opponent want it, too.
Is there an official speed? no

Re: Turniere 2015


sorry, I made a mistake in my post...
I wrote all rignt, but made a mistake in example

Winning both rounds must give to winner 3points(2 for each winning round and for a winning the match) If each player wins 1 round then the winner of match take 2 poins(1 for a winning round and 1 for a winning whole match) and loser take one point for a winning 1 round

This post has been edited on 04.03.2015 at 17:35:47 for the last time.

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